Bi Visibility Day: Ricki's story


Reflecting on Bi Visibility Day, which took place on Monday, September 23rd, Charlton Invicta player Ricki Horsington shares his journey: 

My bisexuality is something I only discovered three years ago. It came as a bit of a shock and was something I struggled with for a little while. 

The lack of visibility is something that became apparent quickly. The information was sparse and I didn’t feel like there was an obvious place to turn for guidance. There seems to be a lack of bisexual representation in mainstream media and this contributes to the feeling of aloneness and feeling isolated. I feel like this is maybe why my bisexuality was repressed for so long as it never really felt like an option to me.

Luckily for me, I have the best and most supportive friends and when I was able to come out they helped me a lot. My football teammates at the time were so supportive and were amongst the first to reach out and I was welcomed back into the changing room with open arms and nothing had changed. 

I didn’t really know any gay people and especially no bisexual people. I decided to start being more active in the community and attended some pride events, my first being Football Pride. I met some great people and this encouraged me to reach out to an inclusive football team in Charlton Invicta. 

From the first training session I felt so welcome and something in me just felt like home. I could show up as my authentic self and just enjoy my football. I’m really enjoying getting to know my teammates and there is a big community feel about the club. 

I think Bi Visibility Week is so important for everyone. I think there is a bit of ignorance around bisexuality and the more informed people can be then it can only help. 

To anyone struggling with bisexuality, I think it’s huge for them to know there is a community, you’re not alone and your sexuality is valid. I know how it feels to finally be able to show up to life as my true authentic self and I would love for more people to feel the support is there for them to do the same. It’s not something to hide or be ashamed of, it's beautiful and part of what makes you who you are. 

For more information on Charlton Invicta - please email on or follow their social media channels @charltoninvictafc (Facebook and X) and @cactinvictafc (Instagram).


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