Atlanta Primus following in Her father's footsteps

Atlanta Primus playing for Charlton

Charlton Athletic’s latest loan signing, Atlanta Primus, may have come to Charlton to continue her footballing journey but the family links have made it even more special. 

The midfielder has confirmed that she will be wearing the number 35 which was previously worn by her Dad Linvoy Primus in his time at Charlton.

"We’ve had to jump through a few loopholes to get it, but I think for me and my family, it’s a very special number. To be able to come here on loan and follow in his footsteps is very special to me. It was a proud moment on Sunday where they could look out from the stands and see me with that on my back. I’m very proud."

Sunday's match against Durham marked her debut in this iconic number, when she was subbed on at half time and played an important part in the the team's comeback to victory.

"It was really good, there were a lot of different emotions, but the important thing was to go out there and get three points, put in a good performance for the team, and set myself up for the rest of the season."

Growing up in a footballing family, Atlanta credits her father, for nurturing her passion for the game. However, she emphasizes that her parents were never pushy and always supported her and her brothers in pursuing their own paths:

"I think being around Dad helped grow my love for the game, being able to go and watch him play and things like that. But my parents have been very chilled and never pushy in any direction—they just wanted me and my brothers to enjoy what we are doing. To be able to follow in his footsteps and do things that he did, along with getting his advice, I know I am very blessed to be in this position."

For Atlanta, this season is about more than just her performance on the pitch; it’s about rediscovering her love for the game after a couple of challenging years. She’s determined to stay grounded, enjoy the experience, and make the most of this new chapter:

"I think the most important thing is being present and being where my feet are, and getting the love back for the game. Obviously, I’ve had this opportunity to come here, and I’m excited to get going and continue with the team."

As she looks ahead, Atlanta reflects on her father’s invaluable advice—guidance she will carry with her throughout her time at Charlton and beyond:

"The biggest thing is getting back to enjoying playing. It's been a rollercoaster, and to just have a smile on my face when it comes to a Sunday, putting on a shirt, and going out there and performing. The best thing to do is to go out there and play with freedom, and that’s something that my Dad always tells me—to just go out there and have fun. I hope that this year, above all else, I can go out there and have fun because that’s when I’ll perform my best."

With her father’s legacy behind her and the support of her new team, the future looks bright for this talented midfielder at The Valley.

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