Stay Warm, Stay Safe this Winter

The borough-wide Stay Warm, Stay Safe campaign returns this weekend to give care and support to residents who may be at risk during the upcoming cold weather months.

The Health Improvement team at CACT is running the Stay Warm Stay Safe on behalf of Royal Greenwich Public Health and Wellbeing once again, which offers the following support and services free of charge:

Room thermometers
Information on how to keep active and healthy during the winter months
Information on how to obtain a flu jab
Benefits checks and money advice (via RGB’s welfare rights service and CAB)
Help with keeping fuel bills down
Fire safety visits from the London Fire Brigade
Switching to lower-cost fuel (via the Big London Energy Switch)
Energy efficiency assessment


This week, the NHS’s Stay Well This Winter campaign has stated that drinking hot drinks such as tea and coffee and eating hot meals can help you stay warn when the weather turns cold. 

It says: "Food is a vital source of energy, which keeps your body warm. Try to make sure that you have hot meals and drinks regularly throughout the day and keep active in the home if you can.

"We are urging people to take practical steps such as to wrap up warm before the temperature dial hits freezing."

If you would like to find out more, or know someone who could benefit from Stay Warm Stay Safe, call 0800 470 4831. 

GP surgeries and the Trust’s other outreach groups will also be signposting and referring those they believe are in need of this service, targeting specifically those people from the following groups:

Over 60s
People with long-term illnesses (both physical and mental health needs) and their carers
Low-income families with babies and/or infants
Those struggling to pay fuel bills
People living in cold/damp housing


If you know someone who fits into the above categories or may need extra support, call the Stay Warm Stay Safe team, or give them the number above. 

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